Build a Better Winter Golf Training Program
It’s halfway through winter and you may be itching to get out to make progress on your golf game but there’s snow on the ground and it’s 20 degrees outside. How can you prevent being rusty with your shots and putting once spring arrives? The answer is a simple one: Build a better winter golf training program for your game.
Here are several tips for staying at the top of your game over the cold winter months.
Hit the Gym.
Even just a few days a week can be the difference between having power in your swing and stamina for the game or heading onto the course rusty and out of shape. Strength training and cardio for endurance are essential to performing well, in golf and in life. There are numerous exercises for building and strengthening muscles, including squats and lunges, core work and dumbbell raises. Find a trainer who can put together a program for you to work on your shoulders, back, abdomen and legs. Then after the strength training, hit the treadmill and work up to several miles without stopping. Remember, it’s important to stretch before and after each workout to prevent injury.
Practice Indoors.
Leave your remote control golf caddy in the garage while you visit an indoor driving range or set up a putting green in your family room to practice because it’s all about maintaining that muscle memory for your swing or put. Many major urban areas have indoor driving ranges where you can work on your swing throughout the cold winter months. If you can’t find an indoor facility near you, then try setting up a putting green at home with a chipping turf mat you can find online. Then practice, over and over again.
Take a Vacation.
This tip may seem like an obvious one, but it truly is a great way to get in some real practice and continue to improve your game. There are many warm-weather golf destinations to visit in the winter, from Florida to the Bahamas and Arizona to Baja, for some great rounds of golf. It’s also a great way, given the time and expense, to benchmark where you’re at with your game and what you can continue to work on the rest of the winter. Take your own clubs and golf bag on the trip!
Watch Lots of Videos.
It goes without saying that you can learn by watching the pros. In between your workouts and indoor practice, watch as many videos with professional golfers as possible, studying their technique and learning new tips. There are virtually hundreds of golf videos online and great instructional videos you can purchase as well.
With a little bit of planning and a healthy dose of discipline, you can build a winter golf training program that keeps you strong, sharp and in practice for your game come spring.